29 березня, 2025

Про авторку

Hanna Hrytsenko
Hanna Hrytsenko

Researcher of gender issues and right-wing radicalism, feminist, translator, editor of “Tovaryshka” website.

Всі статті
Some aspects of recovery in Ukraine: how gender-sensitive is it?
The common image of reconstruction is rebuilding physically destroyed buildings, but the foremost victims of war are people. The article covers three areas: veteran policy, support for victims of conflict-related sexual violence, and the economic empowerment of women in the face of war.
The history of sexism in the Ukrainian army
This text is a brief overview of the main manifestations of sexism in the army over a certain period and a presentation of the most egregious cases. The article concludes with recommendations for change that civil society should advocate for.
Sexual Harassment in the Armed Forces in Ukraine and Worldwide
Sexual harassment and sexual violence are present in all armies of the world. Why does this phenomenon exist and how is it being addressed? What is known about Ukraine?
Gender misinformation and rape culture
How Russia and extreme right use rape culture and gender disinformation.
Defend the Motherland without discrimination: LGBT+ people in the armies of the world and Ukraine
In times of full-scale war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need human resources and a well-designed recruitment policy more than ever. How to ensure that LGBT+ people can serve in the army without discrimination? What problems do Ukrainian LGBT+ military personnel face today? How has the LGBT+ community fought for their right to military service in different countries around the world?