16 липня, 2024

Collection of English Literature on Gender Issues in Ukraine

The purpose of this collection is to make it easier for academic scholars as well as other interested readers to access knowledge about Ukrainian gender issues in English. Considering that all political and social spheres in Ukraine are intertwined with gender issues, this collection was limited to research that has gender as its primary focus. Publications that address Ukrainians living outside of Ukraine are not included, nor are historical publications unless they link directly to present-time issues. The publications are divided into themes, hence covering gender inequality in labour market participation, political power, family relations, gender-based violence, cultural understandings of feminism, femininity and masculinity, LGBT-issues and activism. To grasp the relative level of gender equality in Ukraine, wide-reaching cross-national reports are included. Within each theme, the content of the publications and their most important findings are briefly described. The material was compiled by Ane Kristiansen

У час повномасштабної війни Збройні сили України як ніколи потребують залучення людського ресурсу та продуманої кадрової політики. Як забезпечити службу в армії для людей ЛГБТ+ без дискримінації? Які проблеми українські військові ЛГБТ+ мають тепер? Як спільнота ЛГБТ+ боролася за своє право на військову службу в різних країнах світу?У час повномасштабної війни Збройні сили України як ніколи потребують залучення людського ресурсу та продуманої кадрової політики. Як забезпечити службу в армії для людей ЛГБТ+ без дискримінації? Які проблеми українські військові ЛГБТ+ мають тепер? Як спільнота ЛГБТ+ боролася за своє право на військову службу в різних країнах світу?
Narratives in Ukrainian politics about the LGBT+ community
Generally, the political parties that made up the 9th convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declaratively share these liberal democratic values. However, some of them might hold varying positions and put forward legislative initiatives that do not match the declared values, and do not prioritize the protection and promotion of the rights of the LGBT+ community.
How the war has affected the lives of transgender people in Ukraine.
Veronika Selega: « We need to develop art brut – a direction in art that is actively developing in the world»
On February 22, two days before the start of the full-scale war, I met Serhiy Enenberg, a theater director and a long-time researcher and keeper of art brut in Ukraine, at Pavlov Hospital. Art brut is the art of non-professional artists. The first collections were collected from people with mental disorders, prisoners. Such art is also called the art of outsiders.
How Ukrainian Feminist and LGBT+ Organizations Work during the War
From Kharkiv to Lviv, from Kyiv to Mariupol, from Zaporizhzhia to Vinnytsia — we have all changed our plans and daily activities and abandoned the usual for the sake of winning the war against Russian occupation. Feminist and LGBT+ organizations also contribute to the struggle. What exactly do Ukrainian human rights initiatives do and how can they be supported?
Sexual Violence During the War: What Do We Know About It and How Can We Counteract It?
Sexual violence is being used as a weapon of war. The occupiers employ it as a simple and effective tool to achieve their goal: to destroy the morale and patriotic spirit of Ukrainian society. What do we know about this shameful practice and how can we resist it?
How Women Changed the Ukrainian Army
The Russian military invasion of Ukraine in early 2014 marked the beginning of military reform. Women were an important part of this process, initiating a number of changes 'from below' that had a positive impact on the security sector and gender equality.
The Not-End of History: What’s Wrong with the Western View of the Ukrainian LGBT+ Community During the War
The Ukrainian movement for LGBT+ rights is characterised not only by its struggles, but also by its achievements. Talking about the experience of transgender people, activist Inna Iryskina explains why minorities in Ukraine have their own subjectivity and agency, and how considering their experience can motivate the collective West to reassess its attitude towards Ukraine.
The author of the texts and carvings is Olena Marchyshyna.
Postcards to March 8 in times of the Russian-Ukrainian war
In 2022, International Women's Day gained new implications because of the war experiences of millions of Ukrainian women.